The Human Layer - ipad magazine

The Human layer is probably the best magazine I have ever read on the ipad. 

The articles are focused, well written and knowledgable. The magazine is well designed, interactive and fits the medium without being weird. The subjects are varied and interesting. 

I believe they say they specialise in the digital world but don't let that hold you back from subscribing, you will be interested. There's a huge amount in there for UX guys like me, writers, producers, editors, product managers, all of you. 


Oh yes, it's free.  

And there are no adverts.  


yes, yes I do charge for that

Can I make those changes? No problem, I can do that for you.

Will I charge for that? Yes, Yes I’ll charge for that.

No, no I don’t do discounts. I don’t do mates rates, bulk buys, cash reductions, charity reductions. I’m not negotiable on my payment terms. You can’t pay me late, you can’t pay me in instalments. I won’t do it for less on the promise of more work in the future, I won’t do it because it’s a great portfolio piece.

If I need to do some work, I need to send you a bill. Asking me if I’ll charge for that says you’ve missed an important part of this business relationship we’ve entered in to - that it’s a business.

Sure, I’ll answer a 60 second email for you, have a quick chat on the phone with you - but I won’t email you a 500 word recommendation on your social media strategy or walk you through the interface over the phone when you should have been listening the first time round.

I work to pay my mortgage, to provide for my children, to pay for the software and the hardware I need to keep working, for the insurance I need to pay, for the taxes I need to pay, for the accountant I need to pay, for the training I need to take and for the books I need to read.

Yes, I do charge for that.

2011/03 Mike Monteiro | F*ck You. Pay Me. from San Francisco Creative Mornings on Vimeo.

IFTTT Request - Tweek to twitter channel to add hashtags

A quick request to IFTTT via their suggestions page..

Hello - you’re too awesome. Please let me give you money.

Until then: I auto tweet my Flickr shots, the tags attached to my Flickr shots feed through to the tweet no problem, but, don’t have a # on them. Flickr even auto filters # out if I put them in directly.

Can you have a tick option to auto hashtag things like that? Is that possible? It would be super helpfull.

Keep up the good work :)

Purchased the entire set of UX Books from Rosenfeld Media

Which was a hearty $209 for the digital versions.

I was listening to the UXpod podcast (not updated in 6 months, not sure if it’s dead, hope not) this morning on my way to the current contract, an interview with Christopher Noessel, co-author of Make It So, *Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction *.

Of course - I’m a huge speculative fiction fan so a book that let’s me work whilst still reading about SF has to be a winner.

The interview was only short but pleasingly stayed away from the elephant in the room (Star Trek LCARS system) although we did stray into the other obvious candidate, the gesture interfaces from Minority Report.

Regardless - I now have 14 extra UX books to read. Just as soon as I’ve got two big pieces of extra work out of the way (redesign and launch of the NAPICU clinical members site and an antique brooch boutique, Betsy Blue), I’ll be diving into these. My personal development tends to go in waves because of work comitments, solid work for 3 months, then 3 months of slightly less work whilst I also catch up on all the books I’ve bought and whittle my RSS feed back down to 0.

I’ll review here when I have the opportunity.